How to Start a Small Business in Australia
Start your own small business with confidence
Are you looking to start your own business?
In this workshop we show you the 12 steps that you need to have in place in order to launch your business. This workshop is the hands-on and in person so that you can get your questions answered right there and move forward with your business.
Here we walk you through the steps of actually researching your idea and making sure that you have considered what it takes to make the move into your own business.
Packed with extra tools and resources that are not available with the guide, you’ll actually write out your plan and set out your next 12 months of operation of your new enterprise.
You won’t have a business without something to sell, so we define your solutions in terms of your products, services and the pricing that you will apply.
This leads straight into forecasting and preparing budgets for the first year, covering your startup costs, fixed costs and understanding just how variable costs can determine whether you are profitable or not.
Choosing a business structure and registering your business are up next. If you have already started your business and you have a structure, we challenge your understanding of how it works for you and your future plans.
When you start in business it is easy to overlook some of the legal aspects of getting set up. Yet these are the very things that can sink your business before you even get off the ground.
Don’t let that happen to you, especially when it is so easy to manage with a bit of forward planning.
Business is a team sport, so putting together your dream team can make a massive difference to you and how you choose to grow.
Getting the cash together to bring your business dreams to reality is the next stage. This happens once everything else is sorted because you need to be able to explain your plans to a lender or financier.
We round out the program with the development of a Go-To-Market strategy that you can use to come up with your plan to tell everyone about the launch of your new business.
goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway) that running your own business carries risk and you can lose more than you put in to the business. As a result we aim to give you a real perspective of what it will take to actually launch and run a business but there is no guarantee of success.
What you'll learn
When you act now you will also get:
12 Core Modules with video lessons, handouts and checklists
Learn the levers of change when it comes to the drivers of your business
Identify the products you sell so that you can build a forecast
Get our ‘fill in the blank’ templates and worksheets that will make researching your idea and understanding your products simple and easy
Set the foundation for your new business so that you can launch with confidence
When you act now you will also get:
Evergreen access to this course in the Academy just in case we make any changes to the content or the resources.
Access to our project menu of different Action Plans that you can use to make immediate changes.
You’ll also get ongoing access to our community through the Forum. Here you can access topic specific information 24/7 so that you can get feedback, collaborate and connect with like-minded peers.
As an extra bonus, you will get evergreen access to the course in The Academy. This means you can stay up to date with the latest course resources and content.
At the end of the course we would love to get your feedback and a testimonial to show others how this course has worked for you.
Meet your Instructor
Sheree Cusack
Experienced Public Accountant and Registered Tax Agent
Sheree is co-founder of sixty:forty, a Public Accountant and Registered Tax Agent. She holds an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree from UNE and a Masters degree in Taxation from UNSW. As a long term member of CPA Australia and a Chartered Tax Advisor she has operated her own public accounting practice firm from 2005.

Our Guarantee
We remove every bit of risk with our ‘Nobody Gets Left Behind, Better than Risk-Free’ Guarantee.
Get access to the the How to Start a Small Business in Australia Workshop and if, at the end of the first session, you genuinely feel you aren’t receiving value or decide that it’s not for you, let us know and we’ll give you a full refund. We will ask for feedback just so that we can make the course better for the future.
Get access to the the How to Start a Small Business in Australia Workshop and if, at the end of the first session, you genuinely feel you aren’t receiving value or decide that it’s not for you, let us know and we’ll give you a full refund. We will ask for feedback just so that we can make the course better for the future.